After leaving Joshua Tree I wanted to go check out a place called Slab City which is on the east side of the Salton Sea. I had seen news reports on it over the years and had always thought if I was ever out this way I'd go. Place used to be an old military installation where Patton trained troops for WWII. It's outside a dump of a town called Niland in California. An old grocery store, liquor store and a gas station. Pretty sure the liquor store does a good bit of business. Place is run down to say the least. This place is reported to be the last free spot in America. It is an weird mix of hippies, war vets, homeless people, drug addicts, eccentrics, artists, etc., etc. You name it and I think it's in Slab City. I unloaded the bike and just rode around checking out the place and talking with some of the nut jobs roaming around. Place is something like you'd find in a Mad Max Movie. No power, no running water and people living in everything imaginable. Only time the law even comes out here is if a murder takes place from what I was told by some of the inhabitants. Basically the state just allows it to exists. No one owns the land nor pays rent. Drag your crap out here and settle in! Was a fun way to spend an afternoon. I ended up camping out here amongst the crazies but kept the 9MM tucked under the pillow. No problems though and am now headed for Arizona.
Salvation Mountain. Guy spent 20 something years building this and recently passed away.
This was my new found buddy in Slab City. Kinda gave me the grand tour and let me know how life is out here. Guy was a little off to put it mildly. Lived in a clapped out trailer with a yard full of trash. Never really could ascertain the memorial dumpster thing but it was interesting. Not sure if this guy was Mike or he just liked to look after the dumpster. Excuse the language in the sign but you had to be there. Not posting due to the language just wouldn't be right.
He lives out here ..... year round. Stated he'd seen it 120 degrees before. Remember, he has no power nor running water.
Named after a long time Slabber..Mike Bright. A vet and a truly wonderful character. He showed up to investigate me and my rig, day of my arrival...wanted to see if I was the law or not. Once we got past that...all was good.